Thursday, October 29, 2009

You're a hipster, aren't you?

On a contaminated note, hipster is a unique being. On a sober note, hipster is a truly evaporating fad as far as I’m concern when looking at the dress code they’ve made-up, of which actually a mixed between something that’s considered cool back then; starting from things happened at as earliest as 1940’s ( and some of it would be earlier than that) up until today.

Not that I said I loathe their existence as much as I hate their ‘don’t care’ or a sort of ‘overtly postmodern’ (on the fence) idealism, but at some point the too striking colour combinations can be too much and odd to be matched with one another; that is what I’m actually concern and detest about so much. What a disaster they’ve brought along; it doesn’t mean and represent anything, seriously. I’d prefer wearing all black or all white everyday rather than pink for my pants, yellow for my shirt, fluorescent blue for my jacket and glittering silver for my sneakers. Oh, wait… how about bright coloured lensless rims? Platform sneakers? Bling bling on ‘emo’ outfit? 70's vibrant lariat necklace coming back onto surface? I see. So much with social outcast eh? Duh…

Apparently, there are many things that I’m not fond of about this culture, I truly mean it. Besides the things mentioned, how about the word ‘scenester’? It has been abused to describe this type of people, instead of what I knew back then describing those who are into extreme music and lifestyle such as punk, hardcore and even metal. Therefore this is getting pathetic to say the least…

To make it short; hipsters out there... buzz off!

+ Wah, marah benar ye aku. Kenapa kot? Takde la marah sangat sebenarnya. Baca sini dan sini untuk maklumat lanjut. Sekian terima kasih.


Gen Mayhem said...

haha.. I agree with you dude.
zaki.. apa yang aku tgk, kebanyakan hipster ni perasan yang diri diorang ni lebih cool berbanding orang lain. Apa ke jadahnya nak label2 diri sendiri ni kan.

Zach Van Alley said...

yes, al-razy...

diorang terpaksa claim diorang cool sebab takde orang cakap yang diorang tu cool kot?


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