Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nuisance Drilled: The interview.

Image taken from 'Locos Furioso' gig flyer (of which been ripped from Francisco de Goya drawing's "Loco furioso").

01- Finally, after long waiting, the CDEP was finally revealed. I must say, congratulation for the releasing of that CDEP. How was your feeling when the CDEP is out now? How was the feedback from the listeners so far?

Hi, here’s Zaki answering your questions on behalf of Nuisance Drilled senile contingent. First of all, thanks for this interview and thanks for congratulate us, we appreciate it. It’s very rare for us to get an interview nowadays unlike those past few years. Yes, those were the days; it was the days of even bands without any single material will be getting at least 2 or 3 interviews in the mailbox waiting to be answered. Those were also the days of reading and writing/editing zines is a must for almost everyone. It seems all gone to ashes, thus it’s rare to really communicate with zine editors in this era.

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