This gonna be the first post of 2008.
"Remember, remember the fifth of July..."
Heh! Thank you.
This gonna be the last post of 2007 and to tell you my exact emotion right now; I feel relieve for what 2007 have done to me.
Being out of job on December 2006 and then began to work with a bad [and almost full throttle shitty] atmosphere working place on February 2007 wasn’t a good way to start a new year.
Frankly speaking, I’m not a person with a well built new resolution in every single New Year whenever it has knocked on my door and I’m also not a good life planner myself whatsoever. But life has led me fairly a good quiet life since July 2007 whenever I’ve been decided to take myself on a secluded place and try to find myself even more intimate.
And to my surprised, I’m finally got engaged in 2007. Not only me, but my entire family and close friends even shocked while I’m saying that I wanted to get engaged. Well, for me it’s not a big deal since I’ve actually predicted that I’ll be getting married by the age of 30. As this year on September I’m already 29, so on July 2008 it’ll be just another 2 months to reach 30. She’ll be about 26 and 4 month years old, which is the right time for us to get into another phase. We’ve been through some of ups and downs a lot since 1999, and on the next year it’ll be 9 years we’ve been sharing bittersweets of life. And now it has been already 9 days of our engagement. All this while, it’s so far so good.
But it is actually a thing called love for the most part of it. Sorry, I’m not good in explaining how does love is vital for me. But like what Morrissey have said, “I am human, and I need to be loved, just like anybody else does”. I think it’s good to explain everything.
Literally, I have to put aside some of the projects awhile, be it the upcoming zine or the release of my band. I’ve to concentrate on my wedding reception [and whatnots] soon. But the progression of those projects is now reached almost 60% of development. So, don’t worry about that. Do wish me luck for now and then. Thank you.
See you all next year!
The photo up here is my new favourite cartoon characters… err, not! It’s actually the FLAGITIOUS IDIOSYNCRASY IN THE DILAPIDATION, a grindcore band from
I am now officially engaged.
It was on Saturday, December 22nd in the year of 2007.
Both sides are agreed that our wedding date would be on Saturday, 5th July in the year of 2008.
+ Okay, my cell phone is lost so I've changed my phone number. The new number is: 012-3420243. Please keep posted and do call me whenever you're free. Thank you.
Reason number two: This debut?!! The oldest one?
It's Profane Existence, man! Thanks a lot, Slobodan Burgher! You're really made my day!
Read about this news today. Apparatus is definitely one of the best D-Beat bands from Malaysia. They've been around since the year of 2000; if I'm not mistaken. I'm glad that they're still thrashing hard until nowadays. So better hurry up and wait no more. Get this EP as soon as possible because I believe it's gonna be very limited in numbers!
Alright, I end this entry with a cheesy (somehow cliché) quote; “D-Beat raw 'crust' punk in your fuckin' sorry face!!!”
The Norwegian ‘New Wave of Black Heavy Metal’ band, Darkthrone (1987 - present) is back with their (new) 13th album, “F.O.A.D” (an acronym for “Fuck Off and Die”) on the October 1st this year. Some sources stating that this album had actually released on September 25th (some also said it was on September 13th); on which I don’t know the exact date. But on June 29th, in the Darkthrone site it has stated that this album will be released around September (without stating on which day). “F.O.A.D” obviously in musical term is the continuity from the previous 12th album, “The Cult Is Alive” (Peaceville Records, 2006). Where the influences (for both of the releases) came from various genres such as Thrash Metal, Power Metal, NWOBHM (akin to Motorhead, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost etc), mixed with a tasteful joy of numerous Hc/Crust Punk bands (name it yourself!) and of course, Death/Black Metal (in the vein of their earlier stuffs). Peaceville Records still responsible to produce this album and it contains 9 songs. I can’t decide whether this is a crossover album or not, but the strongly essence of Lemmy Kilmister in the Nocturno Culto vocals gave me a hint of Motorhead and the groovy drum beats of Fenriz reminds me of G-Anx, Totalitar, Amebix and the like. It’s also stated in their site that, “This album is the soul of a lifetime of rock and metal, and it sounds like a war between Atlantis and the rest of the planet”
Judging to the musical preferences, “F.O.A.D” should be interesting… plus the sound is somewhat unpolished and raw. Instead of going to hi-tech (to get the hi-fi ‘metal’ sound), they’ve decided to record themselves on their own little studio, Necrohell Studios. Which made “F.O.A.D” is kind of like ‘old metal with old sound’. Added to it, Fenriz also said, “The demo sound is like an architects’ dream... and the plastic modern album sound is the result of the architects compromise with the little people, trying to please everyone (and everyone sucks)".
Okay, for me this is the best Darkthrone’s stuff ever since their debut album, “Soulside Journey” (Peaceville Records, 1990) because it defines and includes all the best riffs that anyone could create for the rest of old metal/crust punk madness. Name it yourself those oldies, I bet they’re all including in here precisely.
So then, never mind Driller Killer gone metal, here come Darkthrone for the punks! Haha!
The tracks of “F.O.A.D”:
1. These Shores Are Damned
2. Canadian Metal
3. The
4. The Banners Of Old
5. Fuck Off And Die
6. Splitkein Fever
7. Raised On Rock
8. Pervertor Of The 7 Gates
9. Wisdom Of The Dead
+ Last but not least: Up the punks (err… and the metalheads also)!