Yesterday after watching such a cool/brilliant theatrical movie, Avatar at the e@Curve (formerly known as Cineleisure), wifey and I went to Suncomic looked for any unusual anime that we could possibly have over there. After wandering around in the shop I found something that really caught our attention; something unusual, bizarre and my instinct said that this one would be the hilarious at its best. Without further thinking I asked wifey’s opinion of the anime, luckily she kinda likes it… “how about we give it a try?”, she said. With a huge skeptical point of view clouding above ourselves, we finally bought it with doubt, “would it be a good one or would it be the worst anime that we’ve ever watched in our life?”.
Beyond expectation, after watching the first episode (of overall 12 episodes) we find that this anime is the best Death/Black Metal spoof ever made so far.
Hence the name, DMC or Detroit Metal City; might be a spinoff of the Detroit Rock City, but it’s not that and it is more than that to be sure. More intense... off limit.
Oh... that one? Deth… Dethklok who? They are too limp to be compared with this one, to be exact.
With the extreme exaggerated attitudes of every DMC band members and the razor sharp harsh spoken/minded of the Death Records’ owner/manager, this anime never failed to make us laugh out loud for the entire night… resulting us a quite late attendance for today. But it’s worth it. Hehe.
I suggest you guys, Death/Black Metal enthusiasts should give this anime a shot… surely you will never be disappointed. But let me remind/mention again that this anime is a spoof, so don’t take it too seriously. And I’m positively thought this anime would be able to tickle every metalheads out there. If you can’t, I’m really sorry for you for being a serious ass that you are. I truly am.
Now, further your reading on the different versions of DMC:
• Detroit Metal City: The Manga.
• Detroit Metal City: The Anime.
• Detroit Metal City: The Live-Action.
And you can read the scanlation over here.
Highly recommended.
Also check out these Japanese Death/Black Metal acts:
• Sabbat
• Sigh
• Gallhammer
• Infected Malignity